quasi-BV manifolds

Jan Pulmann - Moduli spaces of flat connections as quasi-BV manifolds

Alberto Cattaneo: An introduction to the BV-BFV Formalism

AmSurAmSul-QuaternionKähler metrics on bundle hyperKähler manifolds andtheir symmetries-Udhav Fowdar

Jan Pulmann - Moduli spaces of flat connections, BV formalism and the Goldman Turaev Lie bialgebra

Christina Tonnesen-Friedman: Sasaki-Einstein metrics and the Iterated join

Derived differentiable manifolds

BV Formalism

David Jordan | Langlands duality for 3 manifolds

TRHW01 | Mr. Trent Lucas | Birman-Hilden theory for reducible 3-manifolds

Michele Schiavina - BV-BFV Approach to General Relativity

BV formalism: from physics to mathematics and back

Gabriele Rembado - Geometry and quantisation of moduli spaces of connections on Riemann surfaces

Pavel Mnev: 'An introduction to the BV-BFV program' 2/3

Shun Wakatsuki--BV exactness and string brackets

International Conference on Poisson Geometry - Miquel Cueca Ten - Relation between the...

Kevin Morand - Graph complexes and deformation quantization of Lie bialgebroids

Michael Bronstein: Geometric Deep Learning on Graphs & Manifolds | IACS Seminar

Jord Boeijink: On globally non-trivial almost-commutative manifolds

Damjan Pistalo - Some topics in derived geometry motivated by the BV formalism

Florian Naef - The string coproduct/cobracket

Framing Anomalies in TQFTs - Chris Elliott

Colloquium 10/5/17: Algebra versus regularity for group actions on one-manifolds. Thomas Koberda.

String topology coproduct: geometric and algebraic aspects - Manuel Rivera

Introducción al formalismo de Batalin-Vilkovisky (BV)